Thursday, January 15, 2009

Let it Snow!

The windows and doors are in, and the roof... the wonderful roof is on! (insert hallelujah chorus here)

Now, winter can come.


Jodi said...

AWESOME!!!! It looks great!! Just in time too - did you notice the snow today? CRAZY!!

Debie Spurgeon said...

No, no, no, no, no more snow.

We drove past your new place the other day, it looks great. I love the way it sits on your lot and your cul-de-sac is going to be so quiet.

Amy J. said...

I love the way it looks..the windows with the roof line is awesome!

LKP said...

woo hoo! the moons are finally rockin a roof! very happy for you. does it finally feel like its all coming together? looks great...if it were me, i'd have this HUGE construction paper chain strung all over my house (remember the kind where you tear one link off each day?) lol. congrats on one step closer. =)

♥miss~mattie♥ said...

Looking good.
Bye bye.♥☼♥☺

Sonja said...

It looks great!! I can't wait to see more, I might just have to sneak over there and check it out next time I'm at Terra's house.

Nicki said...

Looks amazing. How fun, fun, fun. I bet you can't wait to get in finished.